India captain Rohit Sharma met up with young batter Musheer Khan after the latter’s recent accident. Musheer, who made a sensational impression during the Duleep Trophy 2024 after slamming 181, suffered a road accident along with his father on September 28. The resulting injuries ruled Musheer out of the Irani Cup game between Mumbai and Rest of India, as well as the first two rounds of the upcoming Ranji Trophy season. However, ahead of India’s three-match series against New Zealand, Rohit and Musheer met up.
India batter Sarfaraz Khan – Musheer’s elder brother – posted a picture on his Instagram account showing Rohit alongside Musheer and their father Naushad Khan.
Indian Captain Rohit Sharma with Musheer Khan & his father
– Ro, an inspiration to all..
— Johns. (@CricCrazyJohns) October 10, 2024
In the picture, Musheer can be seen with a neck guard around his neck, after he suffered a neck fracture. The car reportedly hit a divider and flipped over multiple times.
Musheer Khan was the stand-out during the Duleep Trophy first round, as he smashed 181 to rescue India B against India A. However, he met with the unfortunate road accident soon after.
Musheer’s brother Sarfaraz is expected to be picked for India as they take on New Zealand in three Test matches at home, starting October 16. Sarfaraz has impressed in his limited Test appearances, and struck a stunning double century in the Irani Cup. However, with KL Rahul and Shubman Gill being regular fixtures, Sarfaraz’s selection in the playing XI is not a guarantee.
Rohit is expected to lead India for the Test series against New Zealand. The Kiwis remain the only side in the history of the World Test Championship (WTC) to never win an away series.
However, New Zealand did beat India in the first-ever WTC final, in 2021.
New Zealand stalwart Kane Williamson is a doubt for the first Test, giving India an advantage early on in the series.
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