India captain Rohit Sharma made a young girl’s day, wishing her happy birthday while sitting inside his luxurious Lamborghini Urus. Rohit is enjoying his break away from cricket, having attended an NBA (basketball) game in the UAE last week. He is currently gearing up for a three-match Test series against New Zealand, with the first game scheduled to start on October 18. In a viral video, Rohit was spotted on the streets of Mumbai, driving his car amid heavy traffic
However, the Indian team skipper took out some time to greet his fans, including wishing a girl happy birthday. He also shaked her hand after one of the fan told Rohit that it was her birthday.
The video has now gone viral on social media and the fans are applauding Rohit for his gesture, and making the young girl’s special even more memorable.
Captain Rohit Sharma spotted in Mumbai streets today. Then he met a cute fangirl whose birthday it was and Rohit wished her happy birthday.
Look at her happiness what a wonderful birthday for her. Thank you boss @ImRo45
— (@rushiii_12) October 8, 2024
Recently, Rohit revealed that he has intentions of hanging his boots, having recently called time on his T20I career.
Though Hitman himself hasn’t given any indication of potential retirement timeline, his childhood coach Dinesh Lad feels Rohit could quit the Test format after the current World Test Championship cycle concludes, keeping his age in mind.
“No, look I am not saying that Rohit Sharma will announce his retirement after the World Test Championship, maybe he will. Because as his age is increasing, it seems that he may retire from Tests,” Rohit’s former coach Dinesh Lad told Dainik Jagran.
According to Lad, Rohit would look to fulfill his dream of winning the ODI World Cup in 2027 if he manages to keep himself fit.
“The reason for this may also be that he wants to keep himself fit for ODI cricket. However, I promise 100 percent that Rohit Sharma will play in the 2027 ODI World Cup. The type of cricket Rohit is playing is unbelievable,” he added.
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